Table of Contents

Sniper Logic is a journal published by graduates in the Creative Writing Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. Sniper has an ideologically open editorial policy-as long as the vocabulary remains uncorrupted by euphemism and buzz diction-and wil l consider submissions in the form of document, essay, story, art, le poèsie.

Sniper Logic 3 Winter/Spring 1995

EDITORS: Kellie Paluck, Elizabeth Geoghegan, Matthew Hitchcock, Scott Withers, James Kearney, Richard Zuras

Contributing Artists and Photgrapehrs: Jennifer Jones,Sean McNamara, Linda Best Photograph, Greg Keeler , John Dunbar , Peter Michelson , H. L. Smith Collage, Elizabeth Geoghegan , Ivan Suvanjieff

1994 marked the 20th anniversary of the Creative Writing Program at the University of Colorado, Boulder. To commemorate the occasion, Sniper Logic #3 features work by both the literature and the creative writing faculty, as well as graduate and under graduate students and guests of this year's reading series.

This issue is dedicated to Ed Nolan, a scholar who was a special friend to Creative Writing. Tireless in his willingness to serve on thesis committees and to guide Ph.D dissertations through troubled waters, he has left more than a few students feeling t ossed in the wake of his unexpected death. At any rate, he has opened up the scope of the magazine: for the first time we include some critical essays, which we think he would, and perhaps even will, appreciate. J. D. D.

Cover Page